Exhibitor Inquiry
Thank you for your interest in becoming an Exhibitor for this year’s Advance Medicine Conference. This will be our 5th year and we are looking forward to another successful event. In regards to some basic information, the Exhibitors will be positioned directly outside the ballroom in the giant lobby area in order to maximize attendee viewing. Included with the exhibitor fee will be a 6ft long table with two chairs and conference tickets for up to 4 staffers. Power can be included upon request. For more information to include pricing, please hit the Exhibitor Inquiry Form Button and fill out the necessary information. Dr. Kevin Craft who will be in charge of the Exhibitors will review the information and follow up with each inquiry within 48 hours.
For information on Exhibiting at the Advanced Medicine Conference contact Dr. Kevin Craft at drkevinc@drbuttar.com or 704-905-0938.